Rowlinson wheelie bin store review

rowlinson bin store

My review covers the Rowlinson wheelie bin store with the apex roof.

After some shopping around I settled on this one mainly due to the apex roof – this means you can open one site of the roof to put stuff in the bin compared to some where you have to squeeze it in.

Delivery took about 2 weeks regardless of where I bought it from so I just ordered it from Amazon for ease – check price.

Here’s how it looks in the companies photos:

rowlinson bin store


It comes delivered in 2 packs and is plastic wrapped.

I’ve decided to paint mine before building it with the main part being painted in Cuprinol Pale Jasmine to match the toy shed and the roof in Urban Slate.

This is a deep grey so it won’t look to weathered on top too quickly.

I’m about to start painting so I’ll be updating this blog as I go along.

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